The ViRAPID (Vienna Research Platform on Accelerating Photoreaction Discovery) research platform at the University of Vienna invites you to its first workshop “Bringing together rare event sampling, excited state dynamics and machine learning“. This event aims at uniting experts active and interested in the fields of rare event sampling, machine learning, and excited states. It constitutes a unique opportunity to communicate the current limitations in each of the fields and to initiate a dialog that allows to advance and develop new ideas bridging the fields.
A huge thanks to everyone for making the workshop a success!

Local Organizing Committee
ViRAPID team (Vienna Research Platform on Accelerating Photoreaction Discovery)
• Leticia González
• Christoph Dellago
• Ulisse Stefanelli
• Brigitta Bachmair
• Maximilian Xaver Tiefenbacher
• Monika Schett
• Sebastian Mai
• Markus Oppel